Exquisite Taste In Fine Gifts


Connecting you to the finest gifts from small business boutiques and producers from around the country.

Mother’s Day Gift Sets

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Shop The Lydia Line

We Shop Small Businesses

We shop small business boutique stores and producers from across the United States for you to find truly exquisite products. We represent these business owners in neighborhoods all over our country. By shopping The Lydia Line you are helping them thrive.

You Shop Our Site

We hand pick the finest gift and food items from our boutique partners and share them with you here. With new and unique products on display every week, we hope that you’ll come back again and again to find that perfect gift for yourself or the special people in your life.

Shipped to You

Your gift ships directly to your destination from the small business. If it’s something for you or for someone special, you will know you are supporting American small businesses.

Packaged with Care

It’s all in the details…that means we partner with businesses that not only have exquisite products but share our view that gifts are best when packaged beautifully (even when gifting yourself). Each gift comes with our signature Lydia Line stationary that is handwritten with your personal note.

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