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1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar
1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar

1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar


K + M Chocolate's 1.9 oz Dark Chocolate Bar offers an exquisite selection of premium, ethically sourced dark chocolates that cater to refined palates.

Each bar showcases a unique flavor profile, reflecting the distinct terroirs of their origins:


Yuzu 70%: A perfect blend of rich dark chocolate and the zesty, aromatic citrus of yuzu. This bar strikes a balance between earthy cocoa and vibrant citrus notes, providing a refreshing twist on classic dark chocolate.

Carenero Venezuela 68%: Sourced from the renowned Carenero region in Venezuela, this bar delivers a smooth, slightly fruity flavor with subtle hints of floral sweetness. Its mild bitterness and balanced cocoa depth offer a true taste of Venezuelan craftsmanship.

Hacienda Victoria Ecuador 85%: For those who love intense dark chocolate, this 85% cacao bar from Hacienda Victoria in Ecuador is a must-try. Rich and bold with deep cocoa undertones, it’s complemented by earthy notes and a touch of natural sweetness.

Peru + Limo Chile 73%: A harmonious fusion of Peruvian cacao and the distinctive Limo Chile pepper, this bar offers a savory-spicy kick balanced by the smooth, slightly fruity chocolate.